This page contains brief examples of Tridash applications aiming to demonstrate the language’s functionality. This page is not a tutorial of the language. For an introductory tutorial head to Introductory Tutorials.

Each example is accompanied by a live demo of the program.

Adding Numbers

The following is an example of an application consisting of two text input fields, which displays the sum of the two numbers below the fields. The sum is recomputed, whenever the values of one of the text fields is changed by the user.

In most of today’s languages this would require setting up event listeners, and callback functions for each of the text fields, you’d then have to update a sum variable and manually change displayed value to the new sum. With Tridash, the entire application can be implemented with just the following:

<? /import(core) ?>

<!doctype html>
    <div><label>A:<br/><input value="<?@ to-int(a) ?>" /></label></div>
    <div><label>B:<br/><input value="<?@ to-int(b) ?>" /></label></div>
    <p>A + B = <?@ a + b ?></p>


Let’s say you’d like to enhance the previous application, so that the user is informed when the sum of the numbers exceeds a limit, which is also given by the user.


 sum <- a + b

<!doctype html>
      <div><label>Limit:<br/><input value="<?@ to-int(limit) ?>"/></label></div>
      <div><label>A:<br/><input value="<?@ to-int(a) ?>" /></label></div>
      <div><label>B:<br/><input value="<?@ to-int(b) ?>" /></label></div>
      <p>A + B = <?@ sum ?></p>
            sum <= limit : "Within Limit!",
            "Limit Exceeded!"

Implementing the new functionality was almost as easy as adding new UI elements. The case( ... ) expression chooses the message “Within Limit!” or “Limit exceeded!” based on whether the sum is less than or equal to limit.


The previous example was rather boring in that changes in the status message, indicating whether the limit was exceeded, are hard to notice. It would be much better if there is a visual indication, in the form of color, alongside the textual indication.

In the following example, the status message and the sum are displayed in green, if the sum is below the limit, and are displayed in read if the sum exceeds the limit:


 sum <- a + b

 color <-                          1
         sum <= limit : "green",

 color ->     2
 color ->  3

<!doctype html>
      <div><label>Limit:<br/><input value="<?@ to-int(limit) ?>"/></label></div>
      <div><label>A:<br/><input value="<?@ to-int(a) ?>" /></label></div>
      <div><label>B:<br/><input value="<?@ to-int(b) ?>" /></label></div>
      <p>A + B = <span id="sum"><?@ sum ?></span></p>
      <p id="status">
            sum <= limit : "Within Limit!",
            "Limit Exceeded!"
1 The node color is bound to the string green if the sum is less than or equal to the limit (sum <= limit), otherwise it is bound to red.
2 The text color of the sum is bound to the value of color.
3 The text color of the status message is bound to the value color.