
Prebuilt binaries are available for x86-64 Linux, Mac OS X/macOS and Windows at:


Download tridash-*-x64-setup.exe and run the installer.

Linux and Mac OS X/macOS

  1. Download the tarball for your operating system:

    • linux_x86_64.tar.gz for Linux

    • darwin_x86_64.tar.gz for Mac OS X/macOS.

  2. Unpack the tarball to a directory of your choice.

  3. Navigate to the directory, where the tarball was unpacked, in the terminal.

  4. Run sudo ./ This will install the tridashc executable and its related files in the /usr/local prefix.

To uninstall navigate to the directory, where the tarball was unpacked, and run sudo ./

Once Tridash is installed, the directory to which the tarball was unpacked can be removed.

Building from source

The file, in the source distribution, contains build instructions for Linux and Unix-like systems. Download the tridash-*.tar.gz tarball, from releases, rather than cloning the repository, or downloading the raw source code, as it contains a few non-source, files which have been pre-generated. If you clone the repository you will need to generate the following yourself:

  • A configure script, generated with autoconf.

  • Man and info pages, generated from AsciiDoc sources with a2x, see

  • A minified version of the JavaScript runtime library, which is compiled from multiple JS source files with uglify-es.

Building Without Make

The following instructions are for building the Tridash compiler directly without using the makefile. This is useful for systems which do not provide a make executable or a shell compatible with the Bourne shell, such as Windows.

The same prerequisites apply: you’ll need a Common Lisp compiler, such as SBCL, and Quicklisp. Consult the README for more information.

  1. Run SBCL or the Common Lisp implementation of your choice, making sure to load the tridash.asd file:

    sbcl --load tridash.asd

    This launches the Common Lisp REPL.

  2. Run (ql:quickload :tridash) in the REPL.

  3. Run (asdf:make :tridash) to compile the tridashc executable. If all went well the tridashc executable should have been created in the same directory.

    Note Your Common Lisp implementation may exit after creating the executable. This is normal.

Changing the Paths

This builds a tridashc executable, with the builtin module search paths set to /usr/local/share/tridash/modules, /usr/share/tridash/modules and ~/.tridash/modules, and the JavaScript runtime library path set to /usr/local/share/tridash/backends/javascript/tridash.js. These paths can be changed with the TRIDASH_MODULE_PATHS environment variable, which contains a semicolon ; separated list of paths to search for modules, and TRIDASH_JS_RUNTIME which contains the full path to the Tridash JavaScript runtime library.

Alternatively, the builtin paths can be changed, between steps 2 and 3, prior to compiling the executable. This requires some knowledge of Common Lisp. To change the module search paths, set the variable tridash::*module-search-paths* to a list of pathname objects of the module directories. For example (in the Common Lisp REPL):

(setf tridash::*module-search-paths*
       (list #p"/usr/local/share/tridash/modules"

To change the path to the JavaScript runtime library, set the tridash.backend.js::*runtime-library-path* to the pathname object corresponding to the runtime library path:

(setf tridash.backend.js::*runtime-library-path*