Tridash 0.10 Reference Manual

Alexander Gutev

Table of Contents

1. Syntax
1.1. Atom Nodes
1.2. Functors
1.3. Node Lists
1.4. Literals
2. Nodes
2.1. Declaring Nodes
2.2. Declaring Bindings
2.3. Propagation of Changes
2.4. Evaluation Strategy
2.5. Contexts
2.6. Failures
2.7. Input Nodes
2.8. Attributes
2.9. Subnodes
2.10. Node States
3. Meta-Nodes
3.1. Defining Meta-Nodes
3.2. Recursive Meta-Nodes
3.3. Outer Node References
3.4. External Meta-Nodes
3.5. Higher-Order Meta-Nodes
3.6. Macro Nodes
3.7. Instances as Targets
3.8. Target Node Transforms
4. Modules
4.1. Creating Modules
4.2. Referencing Nodes in Different Modules
4.3. Operator Table
5. Core Module
5.1. Literals
5.2. Bindings
5.3. Meta-Node Definitions
5.4. Failures
5.5. Builtin Failure Types
5.6. Arithmetic
5.7. Comparison
5.8. Logical Operators
5.9. Selection Operators
5.10. Types
5.11. Lists
5.12. Strings
5.13. Dictionaries
5.14. Functions
5.15. Introspection
5.16. Pattern Matching
5.17. Module: core/patterns
5.18. Operator Table
6. Optimizations
6.1. Coalescing
7. Interfacing with Other Languages
7.1. Calling External Functions
7.2. Accessing and Setting Node Values
7.3. JavaScript Backend
7.4. WebAssembly Backend
8. Compiler Options
8.1. Compilation Targets
8.2. Output Options

Complete reference manual for version 0.10 of the Tridash programming language.