8. Compiler Options

The Tridash compiler (tridashc) accepts a number of options which affect the compilation of certain files and the output code that is generated.

View the man page for tridashc or run the command tridashc -h for details of how these options are specified.

8.1. Compilation Targets

The compilation target (or compiler backend) determines the type of output file that is generated. The compilation target is specified using the -t command-line option or the backend output option of the build configuration file, View the tridashc man-page for more information.

The current version of Tridash has the following targets:

  • javascript
  • wasm32 (32-bit WebAssembly)

8.2. Output Options

The output options control various aspects of the output code that is generated. The options accepted depends on the compilation target.

JavaScript Backend

The JavaScript backend accepts the following options:

If set to true, formatted JavaScript code with line breaks and indentation is generated. If false no line breaks or non-syntactic spaces are added.
Path to the runtime library. If not provided, the runtime library in the Tridash installation directory is used.

Controls how the runtime library is linked with the generated code. This only has an effect when the output is an HTML file, otherwise the runtime library is not linked to the output and has to be loaded manually.

It can be one of the following values:

Embed the runtime library directly inside the HTML file.
Insert a reference to the runtime library, located at the URL given by runtime-path, inside the HTML file.
Do not link the runtime library. This should be used if the runtime library is linked manually by a script tag in the HTML source.

Type of output that is generated. Can be one of the following:

Generate an HTML file with the compiled Tridash code embedded in it. The HTML source, which is referenced by the node with identifier given by the main-ui option, is used as the template for the HTML output file.
Generate a JavaScript file containing just the compiled Tridash code. The runtime library is not loaded, thus has to be loaded manually, and stored in the global Tridash object, prior to loading the generated JavaScript file. This is the default.
The identifier of the node, which references the contents of an HTML file, to use as the template for the output, when the output type is an HTML file.

The identifier of the JavaScript variable, by which the runtime module object is referenced.

If empty (the default) and the output type is a JavaScript file, the properties of the runtime module object are assigned to the exports object. The file can then be loaded using the require function, in a JavaScript runtime where it is supported. When the output type is an HTML file, the runtime module object is not accessible.

When given a value, the runtime module object is assigned to the global variable with the identifier given by the value. The JavaScript file can then be loaded using an HTML script tag.

WebAssembly Backend

When targeting WebAssembly (wasm32), two output files are generated:

  • A WebAssembly .wasm containing the compiled Tridash code.
  • A JavaScript file which contains a script that loads the WebAssembly module, as well as the runtime library module.

To use the compiled module, only the loader script has to be loaded.

The following output options are accepted.

If set to true, formatted JavaScript code with line breaks and indentation is generated. If false no line breaks or non-syntactic spaces are added.

Type of output that is generated.

By default a separate WebAssembly (.wasm) and JavaScript file are generated. The module loader library has to be loaded manually.

If set to html, generate an HTML file with the compiled Tridash code embedded in it. The HTML source, which is referenced by the HTML node with identifier given by the main-ui option, is used as the template for the HTML output file.

The identifier of the node, which references the contents of an HTML file, to use as the template for the output, when the output type is an HTML file.

The identifier of the JavaScript variable, through which, the runtime module object is referenced.

If empty (the default) and the output type is not html, the properties of the runtime module object are assigned to the exports object. The loader script can then be loaded using the require function, in a JavaScript runtime where it is supported. When the output type is an HTML file, the runtime module object is not accessible.

When given a value, the runtime module object is assigned to the global variable with the identifier given by the value. The loader script file can then be loaded using an HTML script tag.


Control how the WebAssembly module is linked to the loader script

This can be one of the following:

The loader script loads the WebAssembly modules from the local file system. This requires a JavaScript runtime which provides the require function and the fs module. The paths to the compiled module and runtime library are given by the module-path and runtime-path options, respectively.
The loader script loads the WebAssembly modules from a remote location. The URLs to the compiled module and runtime library are given by the module-path and runtime-path options, respectively.
The compiled Tridash module and runtime library are embedded directly in the loader script. The paths to the compiled module and runtime library, which need to be accessible to the compiler, are given by the module-path and runtime-path options, respectively.
Path to the runtime library. If omitted, the path to the runtime library in the Tridash installation is used.
Path to the compiled Tridash module. If omitted, the path to the output file is used.

The amount of space to reserve for the GC root set stack. The default stack size is 64 KB.


The root set stack does not expand after the space is reserved. If more elements are pushed onto it than there is space, a memory access out of bounds exception will be thrown by the WebAssembly runtime.