7. Interfacing with Other Languages

The languages that Tridash can interface to, and the foreign function interface itself, depend on the compilation target (the compiler backend).

The current version of Tridash has two compilation targets JavaScript, and 32-bit WebAssembly (wasm32).

7.1. Calling External Functions

To be able to call an externally defined (defined outside Tridash code) function from Tridash, a meta-node without a definition has to be declared. This is achieved using the /external special operator. See Section 3.4, “External Meta-Nodes” for the operator’s syntax. Once an external meta-node is declared, it can be used, in Tridash code, as though it is a regular meta-node.

The external meta-node has to be linked to an externally defined function, which implements the functionality of the meta-node, for each backend. This is achieved via backend specific attributes. For the JavaScript and WebAssembly backends the attributes are js-name and wasm-name, respectively.

7.2. Accessing and Setting Node Values

In order to access the value of a node from outside Tridash code, the node must be given a public identifier. This is done by setting the node’s public-name attribute to a string identifier.

Example: Setting Node Public Identifier. 

# Set public identifier of `x` to `node_x`

/attribute(x, public-name, "node_x")

Node x is now accessible outside Tridash code by the node_x identifier.


Currently, it is not checked whether multiple nodes are given the same public identifier.

Runtime Module Objects

A Tridash application is compiled to a single runtime module object. When targeting the JavaScript or WebAssembly backends, this is a JavaScript object with at least the following property:

An object containing references to the runtime node objects of all publicly accessible nodes. This object contains a property for each publicly accessible node, with the property identifier being the node’s public identifier.

The module object also provides the following member function:


Set the values of multiple nodes simultaneously.

values is an array with each element being an array of the form [node, value] where node is the node’s runtime node object and value is the value to which the node should be set.

Runtime Node Objects

The runtime node object provides three methods:

Returns the value of a node.
Set the value of the node to value.
Call the function f whenever the value of the node changes. The function is passed the new value of the node as its only argument.

In order to be able to set the value of a node, it must be marked as an input node, by setting its input attribute to true. See Section 2.7, “Input Nodes”.


Unless a node is an input node or an output node, that is a node with no observers, there is no guarantee that a runtime node object is created for it, even if it is given a public identifier, due to node coalescing. To ensure that a runtime node object is created for a node, for which a public identifier is assigned, its coalescable and removable attributes should be set to false. See Section 6.1, “Coalescing” for more information.

7.3. JavaScript Backend

This section details the foreign function interface of the JavaScript backend.

Value Types

Most Tridash primitive value types correspond directly to JavaScript primitives:

  • Integers are represented by JavaScript integers.
  • Reals are represented by JavaScript floating point numbers.
  • Booleans are represented by JavaScript Booleans.
  • Strings are represented by JavaScript strings.
  • Subnode dictionaries are represented by JavaScript objects with a property for each subnode. The identifier of each property is the corresponding subnode identifier.

The remaining value types are represented by instances of classes in the runtime library, which is contained in the Tridash module object.

  • Characters are represented by instances of the Tridash.Char class, which has one property:


    A string containing just the character itself.

  • Lists are either represented by JavaScript arrays or an internal linked list node class.

    The Tridash.head and Tridash.tail functions return the head and tail of a list respectively. These functions will return a type error failure value if the argument is not a linked list node or array.

Failure Values

Failure values are represented by an instance of the Tridash.Fail class, which has one property


The failure type. This property is null if the failure does not have a type.

Instances of this class are thrown as JavaScript exceptions rather than being returned directly. Generally failure values are represented by thunks, see the next section on lazy evaluation, which, when evaluated, throw a Tridash.Fail exception.


Use the Tridash.fail function, which takes one argument, the failure type (defaulting to null), to create failure values, which are wrapped in thunks.

Builtin Failure Types

The following functions return a JavaScript object, which serves to identify a builtin failure type.

Returns the object representing the empty list.
Returns the object representing the No Value failure type.
Returns the object representing the Type-Error failure type.
Returns the object representing the Index-Out-Bounds failure type.
Returns the object representing the Invalid-Integer failure type.
Returns the object representing the Invalid-Real failure type.
Returns the object representing the Arity-Error failure type.

Lazy Evaluation

Tridash expressions may be evaluated lazily, that is they are only evaluated at the point where they are first used. Lazily evaluated expressions are wrapped in thunk objects, which are instances of the Tridash.Thunk class.

Thunks are created using the Tridash.Thunk constructor which takes one argument, the thunk computation function. The thunk computation function should be a function of no arguments which computes, and returns, the thunk’s result value.

The Tridash.resolve function, of one argument, computes the value of a Tridash.Thunk, passed as the argument, if it has not been computed already, and returns the resulting value. If the argument is not a Tridash.Thunk object it is returned directly.


Tridash.resolve repeatedly computes the value of a thunk, which is the result of computing the value of another thunk until the result is not a thunk. This means Tridash.resolve always returns an immediate value, not a thunk object.

Example: Resolving node value and handling failures. 

try {
    value = Tridash.resolve(value);

    // Use resolved value
catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof Tridash.Fail) {
        // Handle failure

Linking Meta-Nodes to External Functions

In the JavaScript backend, the name of the JavaScript function, which provides the implementation of an external meta-node is given by the value of the node’s js-name attribute. This attribute must be a string which names a function that is globally accessible to the generated JavaScript code, at the time it is run.

Example: Linking external meta-node to JavaScript function. 

## Meta-Node of two arguments
/external(fn, a, b)

## Link to JavaScript 'my_func' function
/attribute(fn, js-name, "my_func")

The function is called passing in the values of the argument nodes as arguments. If the value for an optional argument is not provided to the meta-node, in the Tridash source, the default value is passed to the function. If the optional argument and the arguments following it do not have default values, they are omitted in the generated function call.

Example: External meta-node with optional arguments with default value. 

## Meta-Node with 1 required and 1 optional argument
/external(fn, a, b : 1)

## Link to JavaScript 'my_func' function
/attribute(fn, js-name, "my_func")

## Instance with optional argument omitted

This example compiles to the following call to my_func:

my_func(x, 1)

Example: External meta-node with optional arguments without default value. 

## Meta-Node with 1 required and 1 optional argument
/external(fn, a, :(b))

## Link to JavaScript 'my_func' function
/attribute(fn, js-name, "my_func")

## Instance with optional argument omitted

This example compiles to the following call to my_func:


Notice that no value is provided for the b argument since it was omitted, in the meta-node instance fn(x) and it does not have a default value.

Rest arguments are accumulated into a single JavaScript array which is passed as the last argument to the function. If the rest argument list is empty, the argument is omitted entirely in the generated function call.

Example: External meta-node with rest arguments. 

## Meta-Node with 1 required and 1 rest argument
/external(fn, x, ..(xs))

## Link to JavaScript 'my_func' function
/attribute(fn, js-name, "my_func")

## Instance 1: 3 rest arguments
fn(a, b, c, d)

## Instance 2: no rest arguments

Instance 1 is compiled to the following call to my_func:

my_func(a, [b, c, d])

Instance 2 is compiled to the following call to my_func:


Notice no value is passed for the second argument which corresponds to the rest argument.

Each argument, passed to an external function, may either be an immediate value or a Tridash.Thunk object, in the case of an argument which is lazily evaluated. The Tridash.resolve function should be called on each argument, of which the value is actually used, to ensure that the immediate value is obtained.

The function should always return a value, which becomes the return value of the meta-node. This can either be an immediate Tridash value, of one of the types specified in Value Types, or a Tridash.Thunk object.

Any failure value exception, thrown inside the function either by the function itself or while evaluating a thunk, should be caught and wrapped in a Tridash.Thunk object which is returned from the function.

Example: Handling failures in external meta-node functions. 

function my_func(a) {
    try {
        // Resolve value of the `a` argument
        // The result may be a failure value
        a = Tridash.resolve(a);

        // Do something with `a`
    catch (e) {
        // Handle failure value exception
        if (e instanceof Tridash.Fail) {
            // Wrap failure in thunk object and return
            return new Tridash.Thunk(() => { throw e });

        // Rethrow other exceptions
        throw e;

Runtime Module Object

By default, when targeting the JavaScript backend, a standalone JavaScript file is produced, which assigns the nodes and set_values properties of the runtime module object to the exports object. This file can be loaded by a JavaScript runtime which supports the require function, such as Node.js. The properties of the module object can then be accessed as properties of the object returned by require.

Example: JavaScript Module Object Usage. 

# Load the compiled JavaScript module. Substitute `module.js` with the
# path to the generated JavaScript file.

const module = require('module.js');
const node_x = module.nodes.node_x;

// Retrieve value of node_x
const value = node_x.get_value();


// Set value of node_x to integer 10

The get_value method of the runtime node object takes a single optional argument, which if true (the default), the value of the node is fully evaluated if it is a thunk object, representing a lazily evaluated value. If the argument is false, thunk objects are not evaluated but are returned directly.

7.4. WebAssembly Backend

This section details calling JavaScript functions when targeting WebAssembly.


Tridash value types are represented by objects stored in the heap of the compiled WebAssembly module’s memory object. The heap is managed by a tracing garbage collector, which is run whenever a memory allocation requests more space than is available.

In order for a Tridash value to be passed to a JavaScript function, and vice versa, it is has to be converted (marshalled) to an equivalent representation using JavaScript types. This functionality is provided by the Tridash.Marshaller class in the JavaScript component of the runtime library, which is encapsulated in the module object Tridash.

Value Types

Tridash value types, when converted to JavaScript value types, are represented by the following:

  • Integers are represented by JavaScript integers.
  • Reals are represented by JavaScript floating point numbers.
  • Booleans are represented by JavaScript Booleans.
  • Strings are represented by JavaScript strings.
  • Arrays are represented by JavaScript arrays.
  • Subnode dictionaries are represented by an instances of the Tridash.Marshaller.Object class. The subnodes property contains an object with a property for each subnode. The identifier of each property is the corresponding subnode identifier.
  • Characters are represented by instances of the Tridash.Marshaller.Char class, which has a single property:


    The character code.

  • Symbols are represented by instances of the Tridash.Marshaller.Symbol, which has a single property:


    The symbol name as a string.

  • Linked list nodes are represented by instances of the Tridash.Marshaller.ListNode class which the following properties:


    The element stored in the node


    The next node in the linked list

  • Failure values are represented by instances of the Tridash.Marshaller.Fail class, which has a single property:


    The failure type.

  • Raw node references are represented by instances of the Tridash.Marshaller.Node class, which has a single property.


    The node ID.

Builtin Failure Types

The following properties of the Marshaller.FailTypes represent builtin failure types as JavaScript Values:

Represents the No Value failure type.
Represents the Type-Error failure type.
Represents the Invalid-Integer failure type.
Represents the Invalid-Real failure type.
Represents the Arity-Error failure type.
Represents the Index-Out-Bounds failure type.
Represents the empty list.


The Tridash.Marshaller class is responsible for converting Tridash values stored in the WebAssembly heap to equivalent JavaScript values and vice versa. An instance of this class is automatically created when loading the WebAssembly module.


Convert a JavaScript value (value), of a type listed in Value Types, returning a pointer (integer offset) to the Tridash value with the WebAssembly memory heap.

value may also be an instance of the Marshaller.TridashValue class, which represents a value stored on the WebAssembly heap, at the location given by the ptr property. This is useful to create arrays or list objects which contain references to existing Tridash values.


Subnode dictionaries (Tridash.Marshaller.Object instances) and raw node references (Tridash.Marshaller.Node instances) can only be converted to Tridash values if they were obtained from a Tridash to JavaScript value conversion.

Convert a Tridash value, stored at location pointer within the WebAssembly heap, to a JavaScript value.
Push a pointer to a Tridash value onto the GC root set stack.
Pop and return a pointer, to a Tridash value, from the GC root set stack.

Lazy Evaluation and Garbage Collection

A pointer may point to a thunk object, which represents a Tridash value which has not been computed yet. When converting a Tridash value to a JavaScript value, all thunk objects are computed. As a result of this each conversion from Tridash to JavaScript may trigger a garbage collection cycle. Likewise, converting a JavaScript value to a Tridash value may also trigger a garbage collection since a new object is created on the heap.


Converting an infinite list or a cyclic object will result in an infinite loop, due to all lazily evaluated values being computed on conversion.

When converting multiple values, of which the conversion of the first value, a, results in a garbage collection cycle being run, the memory held by the second value, b, may be reclaimed if it is not referenced by an object in the root set. Furthermore, the pointer to b is no longer valid due to the objects being copied to the new heap.

To overcome this problem, before converting a Tridash value to JavaScript, all pointers to other Tridash values should be pushed onto the root set stack, using the stack_push method of Tridash.Marshaller. After the conversion the updated pointer values should be popped off the root set stack using the stack_pop method of Tridash.Marshaller.


Every call to stack_push must be balanced by a call to stack_pop.

Example: Converting Multiple Tridash Values to JS Values. 

/// Convert the Tridash values, pointer to by `a`, `b` and `c`.

// Push pointer `c` to root set stack

// Push pointer `b` to root set stack

// Convert Tridash value `a` to JS value
a = marshaller.to_js(a);

// Pop updated pointer `b` from stack
b = marshaller.stack_pop();

// Convert Tridash value `b` to JS value
b = marshaller.to_js(b);

// Pop updated pointer `c` from stack
c = marshaller.stack_pop();

// Convert Tridash value `c` to JS value
c = marshaller.to_js(c);

Linking Meta-Nodes to External Functions

The name of the JavaScript function, which provides the implementation of an external meta-node is given by the value of the node’s wasm-name attribute. The value of this attribute may either be a symbol or string which names a global JavaScript function, or an expression of the form module.name where module is the name of a globally accessible object, and name is the name of the property which contains the function that implements the meta-node.

Example: Linking external meta-node to JavaScript function. 

## Meta-Node of two arguments
/external(f, a, b)
/external(g, a, b)

## Link to JavaScript 'my-func' function
/attribute(f, wasm-name, "my-func")

## Link to JavaScript `func` function that is a property
## of the global object `my_lib`
/attribute(g, wasm-name, my_lib.func)

The function is called with the arguments being the pointers to the values of the argument nodes, within the module’s memory object.

If the value for an optional argument is not provided to the meta-node, in the Tridash source, and there is no default value, the null pointer (0) is passed to the function.


The to_js method of the Tridash.Marshaller class, returns the JavaScript null value when passed the null pointer.

Example: External meta-node with optional arguments without default value. 

## Meta-Node with 1 required and 1 optional argument
/external(fn, a, :(b))

## Link to JavaScript 'my_func' function
/attribute(fn, wasm-name, "my_func")

## Instance with optional argument omitted

In this example, my_func will be called with the pointer to the value of x as the first argument and the null pointer (0) as the second argument.

The function should return its result as a pointer to a Tridash value, within the WebAssembly memory object.

Runtime Module Object

By default, when targeting the WebAssembly backend, a JavaScript file is produced, along with the .wasm file containing the WebAssembly module, which contains a script that loads the module. A promise, which resolves to the runtime module object containing the nodes property and set_values member function, is assigned to the module property of the exports object. This file can be loaded by a JavaScript runtime which supports the require function, such as Node.js. The properties of the module object can then be accessed as properties of the object returned by require.


A promise to the module object is assigned, rather than the module object itself, since WebAssembly modules are loaded asynchronously.

The runtime module object also contains the following additional fields:

WebAssembly.Instance object of the compiled Tridash module.
WebAssembly.Instance object of the runtime library module.
The WebAssembly memory object.
The Tridash.Marshaller object for marshalling values to and from the compiled module’s heap memory.

Example: WebAssembly Module Object Usage. 

# Load the compiled Wasm loader script. Substitute `module.js` with
# the path to the generated JavaScript file.

const module = require('module.js')

module.then((mod) => {
    const marshaller = mod.marshaller;
    const node_x = mod.nodes.node_x;

    // Retrieve value of node_x
    const value = node_x.get_value();


    // Set value of node_x to integer 10

The set_value, and get_value methods, of the runtime node object, automatically marshal values to and from the WebAssembly module’s heap.

The get_value method, of the runtime node object, takes a single optional argument, which if false returns a raw pointer to the Tridash value, of the node, rather than converting it to a JavaScript value. By default this argument is true.